Kassel 2024

After all the preparatory meetings, the preparations for the 35th International PigeonMarket & DBA (German Racing Pigeon Show) are now entering the active phase of stand hire. The registration documents have been sent out to exhibitors and the response has been overwhelming. We are very sure that the international racing pigeon sport will have a great stage with this top event, which you can already look forward to. If you are interested in participating, either as an industrial exhibitor or pigeon seller, please contact:
Daniela Schmitter
Mobil: 0049 175-6782018
Email: daniela.schmitter@biw-kuerten.de

Attention! New date! Please make a note!

‚All under one roof‘ in the Kassel exhibition halls – this ground-breaking decision has been finally made and will become reality this year! Same as last year the Messegesellschaft Kassel will take on the role of organizer, BIW Kreutzfeldt GmbH will be responsible for renting out the exhibition stands and the Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders (Verband Deutscher Brieftaubenzüchter) will organise the racing pigeon exhibition as well as the Prof. Dr. Kohaus auction. In accordance with the Messegesellschaft Kassel and all parties involved a new date has been fixed in order to ensure perfect exhibition conditions. Kassel will be the absolute‘ hotsport‘ for racing pigeon sport on 30 November and 1 December 2024. Please follow the further news in our magazine ‚TaubenMarkt/Die Sporttaube‘ and in the magazine of the German Racing Pigeon Association ‚Die Brieftaube‘ and on all social media channels.

Dear exhibitors, dear visitors of the 34th International PigeonMarket Kassel 2023,

the restart of this event has been a fantastic success! Thank you very much for making the International PigeonMarket a lively meeting place for racing pigeon fanciers from all over the world again after such a long ‚Corona break‘ We are very pleased about this, it is a sign of common strength and cohesion. Together we will give wings to the future of the international racing pigeon sport.
We say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts,

Irma Kreutzfeldt
Oliver Kreutzfeldt
Daniela Schmitter
and the BIW-Team

Family Umbach
and the whole team of the Messe Kassel GmbH